For men who want to walk safely in the sun, UV hiking clothing is a must. Not only will you avoid getting sunburnt, but you'll also stay cool during your hikes.
For the top, you have two choices: a Men's UV-Protective Hiking Shirt, which will generally be ultra-light and breathable thanks to a technical UV fabric and the presence of vents, or a UV sports t-shirt, lightweight and comfortable. In all cases, hiking clothing is designed to dry quickly and wick away moisture from perspiration so you can enjoy your activity with maximum comfort.
Then, a UV hiking pants proves to be essential. Abrasion-resistant and stretchy, some UV pants are also convertible, so they can be transformed into shorts in case of extreme heat.
When hiking, your head is largely exposed to the sun's rays. It is therefore essential to protect it from UV rays by wearing suitable headgear, i.e. mainly light and breathable: anti-UV hat, bob or even anti-UV cap...The possibilities are endless!
Finally, don't forget to protect your extremities from UV rays. Protect your hands with UV-protective mittens or UV-protective gloves. If you're wearing a short-sleeved t-shirt, UV-protective sleeves can protect your arms and forearms. Finally, a UV bandana will be able to protect your neck from ultraviolet rays and also keep you warm when you are walking in a shaded area in fairly low temperatures.